While every case is unique, including yours, there is a general flow to how personal injury cases and car accidents are handled and proceed. That process usually goes something like this:
- Collision – The accident occurs.
- Retention – You hire a lawyer, such as Sagebrush Lawyers, to represent you.
- Treatment – You follow up with the medical treatment you need.
- Investigation – You cooperate with your lawyer to investigate your case, determine who the at fault party(ies) is/are, identify witnesses and available insurance.
- Documentation – The law firm gathers the documentation for you regarding the accident, your treatment, and its impact upon your life.
- Evaluation – The law firm works with you to evaluate your case, and present that evaluation to the insurance company or at fault party.
- Negotiation – The law firm negotiates on your behalf to try and maximize the recovery for you.
- Decision – You decide if you want to accept the offer negotiated.
If your answer to accepting the offer is YES, the case resolves through exchanging written signed paperwork, including a release, which the attorneys prepare for you and discuss with you, after which the proceeds of the resolution are distributed to you, your attorneys, and any lien holders.
If your answer to accepting the offer is NO, the case proceed to litigation. You will be expected to participate in all phases of the litiation, including production of documents and evidence, participating in depositions and/or examinations, arbitrating or mediating, and ultimately the trial itself.
We at Sagebrush Lawyers are here to help you through each step of the process in a personal injury claim. Call Sagebrush Lawyers at 702-800-7634 to get started today.